John Ascuaga's Nugget - Sparks NV - May 13-17, 1999 |
Friday, May 14, 1999 - Day 2
Jamie is sort of a health nut...... exercises, eats right (very little, I about starved!) I can't figure out what in the world she is doing with me. Must be fate. So off to the workout room we go. Now this is not my idea of a good time but...she gets me started on a treadmill and I steady go for 30 minutes, and I did enjoy it. (Who is this person and what did she do with the real me?!) I went on up to get ready for the mall. Jamie is not a shopper (what IS wrong with her?) so I left her in her element and off we go. Went to a one-hour photo lab to develop last nights pics. Ate lunch and shopped a little while that was going on. Went back and the guy who waited on us said "they're ready and you got some great shots." GREAT SHOTS!! So good we decided to blow up a couple. Heather said I was jumpin' up and down when the sheet printed. I decided to have him sign it if he did another M/G. Time to go back and get it together for the show. Routine is the same...stand in line ..time drags...grease in palm....go to table. 61 of course! Gal walks up to our table and asks if one of us is Sheila, I say "I am" and she tells another gal who says "Cindy from Alabama says Hi" I met Cindy at the show in Wilmington. This was her friend Penny from Washington State. We talked a while and she may want to join the mailing list. I told her I would send her the info. Showed her the pics and then its time for the routine again...... elephants.......jokes....... movies and stars and the curtain goes up.
Then he said he was gonna do a song his wife Connie Smith has out. "I've never done it like this before. It's called 'Hearts Like Ours.' I wish she was here to sing it to you." It was beautiful. How sweet is this guy he was missing his woman. I wish she was there too. He did "Burn Me Down" and the band Intro, told the Pilgrim story and the guys did "Jailhouse Blues" back in their new outfits. Emmylou, then Marty is back with the black and pink coat. He asks for a time check and is told 55 minutes and he says "Good! We got 4 hours to go." I wish!! He hears a noise and says "I swear I heard a dog bark. Is that my dog? No Wayne Newton sent that over." (Wayne is in the other showroom.) "Well we're gonna send him a elephant!" He does "Sometimes The Pleasure's Worth The Pain," "Harlan County/Reasons," "Red, Red Wine and Cheatin' Songs, a Mando Blast, Awesome!! "Hobo's Prayer" and "Hillbilly Rock," came back with "Western Girls" and was gone. A elderly guy comes up to our table and wants to know where Marty is from. We tell him and he says "Oh I'm from Harlan County, Kentucky." We waited quite a while but no M/G so off we go to eat. No one won any money so we gave up a little early tonight. Looking forward to tomorrow. Unknowingly it will be a pretty good day........ Stay Tuned..... |
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