Fun & Games

Test your knowledge of Marty. This page is not interactive. The answers are a separate link. Feel free to print out the games and work up the answers on paper. No prizes are awarded for your expertise--this is just for fun and your enjoyment. just might learn something new about Marty!

Anagrams Unscramble these song titles. Select from Easy, Medium, Difficult.
Cryptograms Break the code to a quote from Marty.
Cryptoquiz The topic is Marty--break the code to these "things" about Marty.
Quotation Puzzles Put the letters in correct order--another Marty quote.
Word Search Print these out! There is no answer page--you're on your own! 1 2
Trivia Select from Easy, Medium, and Difficult.
Photo in banner taken by Mario Mattioli

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