The Marty Stuart ShowEpisode 87 airing March 3, 2012 |
Guests: Justin Townes Earle, Connie Smith, Leroy Troy, and The Fabulous Superlatives |
Marty said, "I'm Marty Stuart. Welcome to The Marty Stuart Show. Superlatives? '20/20 Vision' And Walking Around Blind. You know the story, Handsome Harry. That's right. Hey, I tell ya what. My favorite radio station in this world is WSM-AM, the air castle of the south. Music sounds better on there to me than anywhere else in the world goin' down the road at night in my car. One night, this song popped up out of the dashboard. I knew we had a new star and I knew he had hit. My friend Justin Townes Earle. Would ya give him a nice hand, ladies and gentlemen. Hey J.T. Welcome, man." Justin said, "How are ya." Marty continued, "So glad you're here. Go 'Wanderin'." Justin said, "All right."
Marty said, "Mr. Justin Townes Earle and a new song into the American folk songbook for life." Eddie said, "Justin Townes Earle with a fine song there called 'Wanderin'."Eddie promoted Harry Stinson's CD, Who Is This Man. After a commercial break, Marty said, "Hey Superlative. Our man Justin Townes Earle. How 'bout a hand for Justin Townes Earle. And how 'bout a hand for one of the greatest country singers of all time. How 'bout a hand for Miss Connie Smith, ladies and gentlemen." Connie comes on stage leading a tiger on a leash. Marty says, "Well, all right. Looka here. Hi Constance. You brought a friend." Connie said, "I did. This is Ravi." Marty said, "That's Ravi the tiger. And that's Wilbur and Susan. Hello Susan." Susan said, "Hi Marty. How are you." Marty said, "Nice to see you again here. Here, you can have this." Marty hands Susan a microphone. Marty said, "One of the nicest days that Connie and me have spent in so long was down at Tigers For Tomorrow down in north Alabama. We got to meet Ravi. Look here. Somebody saw 'Awwww'. We got meet Ravi and all his family. Tell us about your place down there and how you get there." Susan said, "Thank you for that great compliment." Marty said, "You bet." Susan continued, "Tigers For Tomorrow is wild animal park and rescue. We have 140 animals that we care for. We're a last stop. So all the animals will live with us for the rest of their lives. And Ravi and her two sisters are actually gifted to us by a conservationist. Ravi's a golden tabby. You notice how she has no black stripes. Well, there is probably about 36 of these in the whole world. They were once hunted to extinction in the 1930's. And so now we have a few of them in the world and we're going to be educating people about those as well as our place." Marty said, "How do you get there? How do you get to your place?" Susan said, "How do you get there. We're an hour south of Chattanooga. Just three hours from Nashville. So we're a great day trip." Marty said, "That's great. Well I tell ya, Connie Smith is a great baby magnet. I can tell ya that. In case Ravi has never heard country music before, if you'll take her over there to ... or leave her right there. She can do whatever she wants to. We'll go play some country music, how 'bout that." Susan said, "Well, that's great." Marty said, "Constance, you wanna be a mama or a country singer." Connie said, "Mama." Susan said, "Well, I'm not gonna be a country singer so I'm gonna hand this back to you." Marty said, "How 'bout a hand for Ravi, Wilbur, and Susan."
Connie performed "You And I."
Marty and His Fabulous Superlatives performed "Skip A Rope."
Marty: "Milk ....." Marty cracks up laughing and can't stop. Marty: "Milkin' the tiger." Leroy: "Give it a bottle. Give it a bottle." Marty is still laughing hysterically. Leroy: "Yeah, sit in my lap, it got down to about that much. Got down to about that far and I ....." Marty: "You'd better sing." Leroy: "Here's one called 'The Legend Of The Johnson Boys'. And I believe Eddie Stubbs used to run with this bunch." Marty's still laughing uncontrollably.
Marty said, "All right. Yes sir." Eddie said, "Leroy Troy right there and 'The Legend Of The Johnson Boys'. Thank you, Leroy. It's hymn time this week and with that in mind, we do hope that this weekend that you and yours will attend the church of your choice. Here's a song right now that Marty Stuart wrote. The Apostle's gonna lead the verses on it. The quartet will join in on the chorus. 'Pray The Power Down'."
Marty said, "How 'bout it for Justin Townes Earle. Great job, Justin. Thank you, brother. On behalf of Justin Townes Earle, Connie Smith, Leroy Troy, Ravi the tiger, Rick Wright, Eddie Stubbs. Gary Carter, all the Fabulous Superlatives, I'm Marty Stuart sayin' come to see us again next week right here on The Marty Stuart Show."
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