Haggard, Stuart Team To Honor Jimmie Rodgers

This appeared in The Clarion-Ledger - June 10, 2010

A Merle Haggard and Marty Stuart concert July 25, 2010, an interactive exhibit on American music and a gospel show in Meridian are among events celebrating Jimmie Rodgers' musical legacy as "The Father of Country Music."

Sparkle and Twang: Marty Stuart's American Musical Odyssey, July 10 - September 18, 2010 at the Mississippi State University Riley Center, shares country music performer and Mississippi native Stuart's experiences with country, bluegrass, rockabilly and Southern gospel stars. Workshops and symposiums for music historians, fans and more are planned. Admission will be $10 adults, $5 students.

The concert by Haggard and Stuart will be held at 7:30 p.m. July 25 at the MSU Riley Center.

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