WinStar Casino, Thackerville, OK on June 18, 2004 |
Marty Party Okie Style Just before time to head out for our Marty Party, the sky became bruised and swollen, then burst forth in a downpour of rain. In the blink of an eye, our yards turned into ponds and our streets into streams. I had worked so painstakingly on my appearance, ironing our shirts, twisting my hair up in those gosh-awful rollers, and applying my make-up just so. It was all for nil, as it was washed away in one mad dash to our car. I sat there in the passengers seat my hair drooping, my clothes soggy and water dripping from the brim of my hat but, we were on our way to see Marty! After picking up our friend LeeAnn we headed out of town. As the lightning flashed, thunder boomed and the rain pounded at us relentlessly, we pushed onward towards Thackerville and our scheduled Marty Party. We kept watching the clouds and telling one another that it wasnt even raining in Thackerville. No way! It was dry and they were in the mist of their Red River Round-up. The closer we got, the harder it rained and the more we tried to convince one another that it was still dry at WinStar. The rain was just letting off as we pulled into the parking area. Huge puddles of water were everywhere. Men in yellow rain slickers were trying to direct what little traffic there was. I looked around the area for the bus but it wasnt there. But, with all this rain perhaps Marty would be arriving by boat! We sat in the car for a while just watching the goings on around us then finally we get out and made our way over to the carnival area. None of the rides were going, the majority of the stands were empty or closed, and only a few people meandered around, most looking as wet and confused as we were. Mike asked a guy when the place was supposed to open and he told us "three hours ago, they have us on stand-by right now." So we wander on in, watching every step we take because of standing water and mud puddles. In some places men are digging trenches trying to get the water to drain. We decide to move on around to the stage area and find us a seat. We stake out our place in the first row, and then we settle back and watch the men getting the stage ready. They were having all kinds of trouble. Because of the rain, the stage wasnt level and they worked and worked on getting it fixed.
The VIP area was less than half filled (and it was mainly little old ladies!) so we end up getting to move up another four rows. The concert was pushed to nine oclock due to all the trouble with the rain so, we sit and sit and sit. They introduce Marty and he walks out on stage, calls out that we are all in the middle of a yard in Oklahoma, then he starts to sing. When he finishes the first song, he raises his hand to shield his eyes from the stage lights and looks out at the crowd, and then says . Whatcha all doing way back there? Get on up here! The entire front fills with people standing in front of the stage and suddenly these VIPs find themselves looking at the backsides of the lower class LOL Marty was active and full of pep as he entertained. He cracked jokes and was his lovable self. They put on a great show to spite the fact that the earlier storms played havoc around the area. Marty asked the crowd if the stage was leaning and I think that everyone agreed it was. Glad it didnt give away! There was one really funny thing that happened. They were singing "This Ones Gonna Hurt You" and, just as it was time for Brian to sing back-up, he opened his mouth and a bug flew in! He stuttered a bit, spit, and then went right on singing, covering really well. But, you know Marty wasnt going to let it pass that easily. He stops singing, looks at Brian and asks did that skeeter taste good? LOL It was so funny! I did get to speak to the Governor as they were running us through the meet and greet. He liked our tags. (smile) I got to speak very briefly to Marty, then had the band autograph a picture and it was time to be on our way. Review and picture of "tag" by Darlene Renteria, Ringling, OK |
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