Bluejean Festival - Rising Sun, IN on June 26, 1999 |
It was a street festival with games, rides and lots of junk food. Rising Sun is a very small town in the middle of nowhere along the Ohio River. The stage was set up with the river in back of it, and Main Street connecting to the stage like a letter "T." We got there early, ran into Margie and Ellie from Massachusetts. Talked to them a while, then took the girls off for fun and games. Did I mention it was very HOT? When we came back Gary came over to say "hello" and told us the plane trip back that morning from Hawaii was NOT a good time. It blew an engine and they dumped fuel for 30 - 40 minutes. He said from now on he was going on the bus. I told him what was bad is there is no where up there to get that gas back! He said the whole time they were dumping he was thinking that very thing! A little later a fellow came up to our table and told us he had checked out Sherry's website and read some of the reviews and the interview with Marty, I told him I was the one who did that. It turned out he was our very own "Smally." We had a great time talking to him and getting a male point of view. He is a BIG Marty fan, (not so much different from us females after all!!). He nicknamed me "Crow" We all seem to love that song. so now along with "Scoop," I am also "Crow." Gee I'll pretty much answer to anything! Cortney got to meet Gary while Amanda was off with my mom and Amanda got to meet Steve while Cortney was on the go. (I can't keep them together!) We went up to the stage and talked to him a while. He also told us the plane story and I know it had to be a horrible experience for them all. We can all thank the Lord and a good pilot for their safe return.
Finally it is showtime and we are sooo ready. We were a little worried because earlier in the day there were very few people about but, by showtime, the street was packed. A local band, Over the Hill 69, opened and played a little over an hour with Homer in the lead. I thought they were pretty good. A gal in back of us kept yelling "bring out Marty!" We thought that was pretty rude. The guys had black jeans and Tee's on and Marty had the black pants with the roses down the sides and black shirt. Despite the plane ordeal and being tired, they gave it all they had. Marty was full of orneriness. He thanked Homer and the band and said they were the "real deal." The set list was the same as the shows before. I never get tired of the old songs or the new. The girls were having a big time. Amanda sang every word to "Whiskey." Steve looked at her, winked, grinned and sang directly to her. He is creating a monster! Dark clouds move overhead and we hope the rain holds off.
The show continues and a man comes up to the stage with a little girl about three years old carrying a rose for Marty. He takes the flower and taps her on top of the head, bends down to kiss her and she just freaks out, screamin', crying and burying her head in the guy's shoulder. Marty says "Look she's crying, I know I'm ugly but I didn't think I was that bad!" Yeah right, does he have the same kind of mirror we have?! Well it is beginning to sprinkle rain. The set list said the encore would be "Western Girls" and "The Pilgrim." We got "Indiana Girls" and a "Goodnight, Thanks for coming!" It had begun to pour with lightning. I told the girls meet/greet may be canceled due to the rain, but Mike said, "Nope we got an umbrella!". So off we go to the line. There were quite a few people as some signed up at Jimmy's booth. (I think that is a great idea!) As we wait in line, the girls are talking about what they will say to Marty. Now all of you with kids know you have to watch what you say in front of them 'cause..... I told my daughter I want "The Pilgrim" played at my funeral. If Marty could come and sing it that would be wonderful but if not the CD would do. Well that's what Cort wanted to tell him! I said, "Gee, no Cort, I don't think we need to tell him that!"
Amanda found her tongue and said, "I liked your show. Will you sign my picture?" He said he would be glad to. Cort not to be outdone said, "Me too?" He said "Why sure!" Then she blurts out, "My mamaw listens to your CDs 24 - 7!!" He grins and says "Your mamaw is good people!" I knew I wouldn't get off that easy!! The guys were over by the bus and we stopped to say "bye." Cort is now over her shy spell and manages to get them all to sign her picture. We said "bye" to Margie, Ellie and "Smally" and headed for the car. Remember that monster?? All the way home (2 hours), Amanda says "Steve remembered my name and grinned at me. He is soooo cute!" Then there is Cort, "I got everybody to sign my picture and you only got Marty, I got everybody plus Marty!" And so it goes two more female Marty Stuart and the Rock and Roll Cowboys fans are off into the night. Review and photos by Sheila Walters, Waynesville, OH |
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