Executive Inn, Owensboro, Kentucky on May 5, 2001 |
![]() My dear friend, Mary Runyan, drove over from Dayton, TN to ride up with us. I did call the Executive Inn prior to leaving to make sure the show was still on and Denise told me, "Honey, he's on his way." So were we!!! I was very anxious to meet some of the Martypals that were going to be there and happened to run into June Yovanovich and her husband Jay in the lobby. We stood and chatted for several minutes. Maria-Elena came down the hallway to an elevator. We said "hi" and she said she was playing "roadie" for the night (and she really meant it). It was a few hours until show time. Not a lot of people there. Margie Brodmerkle and Ellie Viscione from Massachusetts were sitting in some chairs and Margie Sullivan from Smyrna, TN was with them. I walked up to the show room doors (which were now glass thanks to a recent renovation) and could see Brad on stage and someone was banging on the bass drum. Noticed Rashelle (Brad's wife and their two kids). Saw Jodee and Gregg. Since Gregg was talking to us, WHO was on the drums???? Gregg is still working with Lorrie Morgan and also does the landscaping business with Steve. Sounds like a "busy man."
There's not much to do but wait......and wait......and wait.......and wait. We enjoyed hearing soundcheck. It didn't sound very good! They kept starting one of the songs over and over and over again. When we'd seen Jodee earlier, she mentioned that Steve had not arrived yet. He did get there for the end of soundcheck. Evelyn's review alluded to the prom being held in a room next to the show room. Yes, we saw lots of young, beautiful girls....in an array of sizes (from anorexicly thin, to pleasantly plump). Just the fashion show of the dresses was fun to watch. We were certainly underdressed compared to them. Jeans and Marty t-shirts.
Part of the joy of going to a Marty show is meeting up with all our friends. Martypals Cindy Allred and Kim Moore were also there, as well as Glenda and Clarence Rummell; Gary, Barb and Melanie Renfro; Lisa Phillips, Lisa Sammons, Terri Staggard and Ray. Folks had traveled far and wide and, even just saying "hello" or getting a quick hug was so enjoyable.
After the song, a gal went up and gave Marty a rose. She got a kiss and he said, "Ya'll with that high school prom bunch?" She nodded "no." Marty says, "Young at heart." Marty than sang a new song called "I Don't Want No Other Baby But You." It sounded great. Mary Runyan, who was now sitting beside me said, "Bob Dylan's rubbing off on him." They went into "Tempted" where Marty's voice failed him. He had Brad harmonize on the rest of the song with him. (The pollen count is high these days and causing a lot of people problems with their throats.)
I need to note that Marty did travel "light" this trip. His sound engineer, Les Banks, played guitar tech and roadie for the night. He was the one responsible for handing Marty the proper instrument for a song. It didn't always work out and Marty was "calling" for his instruments and calling him "Lester."
"I was raised down in Mississippi where I found myself over the past year going home a lot. Fell back in love with the pine trees and the people. It brought back the memory of a song I wrote seven or eight years....one that Travis cut. I was sitting on the beach in Barbados, writin' this song and I didn't have a bit of sympathy for myself. It's called 'Hard Times and Misery'." This is one hard-driving song that I wish Marty had recorded instead of Travis (although Marty did sing the song with Travis on his album). Someone in the audience yelled "You're back." Marty says, "I ain't never gone nowhere."
Someone from the audience (the same guy who had been up to the stage several times taking pictures, dancing, raising his hands, yelling at Marty.....this guy was feeling no pain) brought Marty up a glass. Marty says, "Is that a drink? I can't drink? The whiskey ain't workin' no more. But thank you anyhow." The guy kept wanting Marty to take a sip and Marty said, "I can't, but thank ya." I don't really understand why people at these shows feel they have to be inebriated in order to have a good time. The guy was a pain in the you-know-what and very distracting to the crowd and Marty as he always seemed to be right up there by the stage.
Marty then asked "Whatcha wanna hear?" That always brings out dozens of song titles. The inebriated gentleman (?) was whooping and hollering through the night, yelling out titles to Marty. Marty decided on "Rocketship." They went right into "Hillbilly Rock." That usually signals the end of the main show. Marty said "Thank you very much everyone for making us feel at home here tonight." and left the stage. The crowd clapped and whooped until Marty and the boys came back onstage.
Marty came out in the same clothes he wore on stage. They didn't have a bus. Everyone drove themselves to the show. Nobody checked for fan club cards. Jodee commented, "Nobody would stand in this line except fan club members." There was one guy working security standing near Marty. They allowed you to have your picture taken with Marty and Marty took his time with each person. I'm sure he loved the hugs and kisses as much as the fans. As we walked back by the stage, Les and Maria-Elena were tearing things down. We said "hi" to Les and commented on his "helper." I didn't get a chance to talk with anybody in the band except Gregg. Said "Hi" to Brad and told Steve I was glad he finally made it. We said our "goodbyes" to some friends and started on our journey back to Nashville. It was so great seeing a Marty concert again and meeting up with friends. Review by Sherry Mattioli |
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