The show started right on time at 8:00 p.m. Marty was wearing a light-
weight dark blue shirt with baby blue colored leaves on it, baby blue pants
(not jeans though) with stitching down the side, and blue suede boots!! He
started out with "Honky Tonkin's What I Do Best." From there he went
straight into "The Whiskey Ain't Workin"....had us sing with him. Teased
us that we'd been holdin it in all winter.....some of us have!!!! Said
being someplace where it was so cold gave him the "Blues" so he sang "Blue Train"......then "Tempted." He then brought out the ever popular mandolin
and talked about Earl Scruggs and sang "Oh, What a Silent Night."
Then he asked us if we knew that Travis was expecting again. Said things sure have changed.....we used to be the "outlaws" and now the man is
watching "Barney" with his baby girl. He said, "you know Travis is having a
baby, I don't know who the mother is but he's having one!!" Like I said he
was full of the dickens!! He was crackin me up!! He then asked if there
were any "Country Girls" there and then went into that. He introduced
Brad, Gregg, and Steve next.
Told us he had a new album coming out. Someone yelled "is Travis on it?"
Marty said "no he's busy makin babies now!!" He told us how he had fallen in
love with the sound of a train when he was a little boy and has never lived
where he can't hear the train. He sang, "Hobo's Prayer"......can hardly
wait for that new album. He really put his soul into this one and it made
me want to cry. Then he sang another one that I'm not sure of the
name...maybe it's "Where I Come From" the song it talks about the
southern accent, the southern way, etc. He didn't say the name and I am
drawing a blank!!
Then he flew into "Burn Me Down" and, let me say, he was really "shakin" it.
Sometimes he just cracks me up!! He had to turn around at the end and lift
his shirt to show off his behind and that really gets everyone
going......he just makes me laugh as he is having way too much fun!!!!!
He then asked us what we wanted to hear as this was our personal "Honky Tonk" and they'd play till 6:00 a.m. (I WISH!!!) so we could hear what we
wanted. Pat Katz was in the front row and he told us how he'd known her
since his Johnny Cash days and would she like to hear "Ring of Fire".....
he said that was "back another wife ago when I played with Johnny!!" So he
played that and told us all to join in. Then he did "Me & Hank & Jumpin' Jack Flash"
and straight from that into "Hey Baby."
Marty says, "Those of you familiar with my Rock and Roll Cowboys may be wondering where our steel guitar player Gary Hogue is (yes, I was). Well he
had some minor surgery and hopes to be back soon." So he had us give him a
round of applause. Then with the devil in his eye he says to Steve, "You
know where Hogue really is don't ya.....Tritt got him pregnant!!" Full of
He then said, "My ex-brother-in-law Rodney Crowell (wouldn't I like to have him for mine!! LOL) wrote one of the most beautiful songs and played it.
I don't remember the was about "Down the road that lies before
me.......until I gain control again." Sorry I was mesmerized and didn't
write the title down. I am a "Rodney Crowell" fan but am drawing a BLANK!!
He then went into "Now That's Country".....finished with "Hillbilly
He signed a couple autographs, shook a few hands, and walked offstage. We
started hollering for "Marty" and he soon came back and had put on a LONG
(all the way to the floor) baby blue coat and finished with "Western
Girls". He was absolutely fantastic!!
Marty was in fine form both vocally and with the crowd!! He kept us
smilin', singin', and having a good ole time!! I of course could hardly
contain myself and my hands are sore today from clappin', and my voice a little rougher from singin' and screamin'!!
[Now to the Meet & Greet]
My son Jordan made him a picture of his guitar and we framed it for him. Marty
thanked him and told him he'd hang it in his kitchen. You should have seen
Jordan grin!! We had Marty sign the pictures SherryM sent of Jordan being
onstage with Marty!! He said, "Jordan you brought the whole family up and
sang with me!! You did me proud!!" Marty asked if we were coming back this
year and Jordan says "Oh, YEAH!!" Marty says, "Well we'll see what we can do
to you this year!!" LOL!!!
I met some nice people in line and they were all talking with our Jordan.
One lady asked him if we had been there when Jordan was quite younger and
was he onstage with him to receive something? I said yes when Jordan was four
we were at the Crystal Grand and Marty gave him his guitar pick from the
night. Thought it was so cool that they remembered that!!
Hope you enjoy the review!!!!
Review by Reneé Ollhoff, Alma Center, WI