I couldn't believe June 12, 2002 was finally here. Serena dropped me off in front of the Ryman. I found the Marty Party line at the side of the building. I got in line with fellow Okies, Darlene and Mike. As we stood chatting, I searched the crowd for other familiar faces. I saw Serena Wimmer and her sweet mother, Gary and LaDonna (my ride to the hotel later that night, THANK YOU). I also saw Sherry and Mario, Miss Mary, Judy, Margie B. and Margie S., Ellie, Sheila, Cindy, Lisa and so many more I have come to know and become friends with.
The time came, we finally got to go into the Ryman. I got something to drink, looked at the silent auction items and chatted with friends. Then it came time to enter the balcony for our fan club get together. Jodee chatted with us, recognized special members and announced the auction winners (see Sherry's review). Marty then came out and chatted with us for a while. Mostly, he made us laugh. Then we got a surprise, he invited us to have pictures made with him. I got a big hug and my picture taken with him. I was on my way. My Fan Fair week had just begun. Now it was time to get the Marty Party in Progress!
I went down stairs to the main floor. I had a great seat. Being a fan club member is a good thing. My seat just happened to be next to Darlene. My fellow Okie friend. Marty and his new band (yet to be named) started the show. They were great but I do miss those Rock and Roll Cowboys. Marty sang a new song. "I Surrender" was the name of it. It was great. I love it. He made you feel like you were the only one in the place and he was singing directly to you. He was fantastic. He danced around with flashing lights and everything.
The show was great. I never got sleepy. He kept things going all the time. He had great guests like, Montgomery Gentry, Pam Tillis, Travis Tritt and a lot more surprises. You just had to be there. This show should have been video taped for a television special. You just can't describe it with words or still pictures. I heard people throughout the week say it was the best show they saw all week. That says a lot.
Marty signed in his booth on Friday and Saturday. On Friday, he arrived 15 minutes early. This is unusual for Marty. We figured since he had his mother with him, she made him get it gear. LOL. The booth had one of those great Marty backdrops. The display cases got a face lift from fan club member Lisa. She did a great job. Her embroidery work is beautiful.
Marty looked great. He had those black pants with roses down the sides, white shirt and short black jacket with gold sequin inlay and a light pink scarf. When it came my turn to meet him, I showed him the portraits I did of him and the Rock & Roll Cowboys. He gave his to his mother. He signed the photos I had and we had our picture made. As I turned to leave Hilda was right there with open arms. She told him to give her a hug and it was good to see me again. She always remembers me and is always so nice.
On Saturday, Marty was a little late, but we are used to that. We knew he couldn't do it two days in a row. LOL. This time he had sister Jennifer with him. (could be why he was late) As soon as I got up to the booth, she asked,"What did you draw?" I explained that her mother has it, so she said she would see it then. This day Marty was wearing his faded blue jeans, not too tight, you could tell he has lost a little weight. He had on a white shirt, beige jacket with wagon wheels and crosses on it and a dark pink scarf.
I got another hug and had some more pictures signed. I told him I really enjoyed the late night jam. And I was on my way again. Another Fan Fair is gone. I can't wait till next year.
Review and photos by Beverly Kerr, Rush Springs, Oklahoma