Round trip to Nashville, with a little jet lag. I just couldn't miss my 11th party in a row! I left work at exactly 4:00 EST and headed to Nashville hoping for no construction and no delays. There was none.....Yes! Sherry, Debby and I had but a short visit until Mario came in and off we went. Parking was great (only $5) and we weren't too far back in line in front of the Ryman. We headed in right at 7:00 CST. Rachel was helping with the tickets and she did a great job. The first thing we had to do was find food. As hungry as we were, even the hot dogs were great! Finished off the food while looking around for familiar faces. I'm sure I got to see everyone on the Martypals list if they were there. It is so much like a family reunion, and who would want to miss a family reunion? Sure missed seeing Brenda this year....maybe next?
We all went up to the balcony for a "fan club reunion", not expecting Marty to be there. We did eye a beautiful huge horseshoe of aluminum alloy (shiny of course) sitting on the right just inside the door as we went in, with a stool sitting in front of it and I thought hmmmmmm. Jodee gave out lots of goodies to longest distance traveled, new fan club members, old fan club members (not in age, but longevity with the club:), most shows, and then shortly after that who else should appear but.........Marty! He talked to us about old an fair and the new fan fair and how much he liked it in town. And that the Jam will be our new Fan Club Party site for a while now.
Then, much to our delight, he said now let's go get some hugs and pictures. It was funny because everyone seemed a little awed that Marty had done this for us when we weren't expecting it at all. There were a few who didn't show up until time for the Jam because they didn't think Marty would be at the fan club party at all. Disappoint City. But not for those of us who were there. It was icing on the cake for a night of all nights.
I let Marty know I'd been praying for him a lot lately, and he said it was working. That was what I had hoped for. Some of the best photos I took were of Marty at the horseshoe and some of Marty & Connie. I took a good photo of the back of Rachel's shirt when Marty signed it for her. You can read it really well, "To Rachel, I love you! Uncle Marty".
The entertainment was the greatest! Even with some of the "unknown". We just weren't lacking for fun Wednesday night, or should I say Thursday morning? By 3:00 a.m. we were plum tuckered out, but not regretting a minute of a such special night.
With only 4 hours sleep (possibly, who remembers sleep) I headed back to work on Thursday morning! A great night with great friends and a special man and lady. Now, was this all a dream? Did I really go? Oh yeah, don't have to pinch me, I got pictures, I WAS THERE!
Marty signs Rachel Stocki's shirt |
Marty and Connie |
Review and photos by Mary Runyan, Dayton, Tennessee