I went to Evansville, Indiana to see Marty for both shows.
When I arrived at the Casino Aztar, I saw Merchandise Jim, Brian, and Harry, and got to talk to them. I told them it was the weekend of my anniversary and birthday. We ran in to Marty and the guys again coming out of a restaurant where they had ate and got to speak and wave!
When it was time to get in for the first show, a hostess seated us, and I got a great seat. Right in front of the stage and Marty! When it was time for the show to start, of course Merchandise Jim came out and gave his speech about the merchandise table and where Marty and His Fabulous Superlatives would be signing autographs and taking pictures. Then he left the stage for a bit, and came back on for us to count from 10-1 like we do when the New Year comes in, for Marty and the guys to come on stage.
Marty opened the first show with one of my all time fave songs, HEY BABY! I can't remember the songs all in order. But it was a terrific show. Marty did a song called LUTHER PLAYED THE BOOGIE WOOGIE, and then changed it to KENNY PLAYED THE BOOGIE WOOGIE, Kenny cut up on the song, it was great!
Brian sang, and I was about to take a pic of him with my camera, and he posed for me! When it was time for the last song, it was HILLBILLY ROCK! Then Marty threw a guitar pic to an elderly lady, and I believe he accidentally hit her with it, told her he was sorry, shook her hand and gave her a towel!
Then Merchandise Jim came on and wanted to know if we wanted more of Marty. So Marty came back after the guys left. And the guys came right after him! He sang HIGH ON A MOUNTAIN TOP!
Then Marty left the stage and waved and hugged Merchandise Jim. We all sat and listened to the band finish, and they left, and then every one got up to leave. I went over to the merchandise table with the ones I was with. I sat with Diane and Jim Gilmore, Jeanine and John Casey.
When it was my turn to go for the meet and greet with Marty, I was intending to purchase a group photo of Marty and the band, and Merchandise Jim gave it to me for my birthday, plus a big hug and kiss! I walked to Marty, told him it was my birthday and gave him that pic and the new one, of just him to sign, and he asked, "How old are ya? 30"? I said, "No, 51." He said, "I thought you were my age." I got my pic taken with him, and he let me kiss him on the cheek!
Then I let the guys sign the group pic, and they remembered it being my birthday weekend, and they all wished me a Happy Birthday, I told them I didn't want to do what I did 2 years ago on my birthday, the day before, fall and break another bone! Harry was so sweet, and said, NO, YOU DON'T WANT TO DO THAT. I did get to talk to Glenda and Clarence, and Ted Blake and his family as well.
After the meet and greet for the 1st show we began lining up to get tickets and be seated for the 2nd show. We waited a bit to sit up as close as we could. We got the table next to the one we had in the first show. We sat by Glenda and Clarence, and Karen (a fan club member for a long time, not sure her last name).
Merchandise Jim came out and did his speech for the show, similar to the first one. And then he came out again when it was time for Marty to come on stage with His Fabulous Superlatives, we counted down 10-1 again. Then here they came! He opened with some song...... I believe YOU ARE ON MY MIND. And did BURN ME DOWN! He goofed on one song and was gonna sing LITTLE THINGS, then he said, "No I screwed up" and did TEMPTED. He sang THE WHISKEY, THIS ONE'S GONNA HURT YOU, Harry sung a song, not sure what the name was. Then Brian sung a slow song. And Kenny did a song called WALK LIKE THAT.
In between some of those songs, Marty did LUTHER PLAYED THE BOOGIE WOOGIE, then changed it to KENNY PLAYED THE BOOGIE WOOGIE. Again as in the 1st show Kenny cut up on the song! Marty sang NOW THAT'S COUNTRY. The last song was HILLBILLY ROCK. Then after that he left the stage, Merchandise Jim came on and introduced the band again, and we all clapped and screamed. Marty came back on. The band didn't even leave the stage, and Marty's encore was DRAGGIN' THE LINE. He had all of us to stand up for that.
Then it was time for another meet and greet at the merchandise table, we went back the 2nd time, and they all remembered my birthday and anniversary and were so sweet. Marty signed an older photo I had, and he said, "Wow this is when I had black hair." He hugged me and I gave a kiss on the cheek again! I walked down and talked to Harry, Kenny, and Brian, and they even wished me another Happy Birthday and anniversary, and I got a big hug from Brian. He came from around the table to do that. I also ran into Ruth Gross at the meet and greet.
I had a terrific night seeing Marty at Evansville, Indiana. Another two great concerts as always. This is my 71st time seeing Marty in concerts, running in to him at the Waffle House, and even seeing him on the Opry, and Ryman!
I love Marty and his music, and I always will!
Review and photos by Evelyn Totty, Mayfield, Kentucky