Eisenhower High School - Decatur, IL on February 20, 1999 |
Marty and the band were introduced and the crowd went wild, of course. He had on the infamous black leather pants and that dark shiny shirt that reflects the colors of the lights. You know the one that hangs way too low. He started right in with "Honky Tonkin's What I Do Best". Had the crowd on its feet for most of the song. Marty said "hello" and told all of us that he came to Decatur to see Pork and the Havanna Ducks himself. He did "The Whiskey Ain't Workin'." Said that song makes him think of his brother Travis. Back when they did that song and toured, the press labeled them outlaws but that was just b.s. Said y'all know he's expecting the 2nd child now and how much he's changed since then. Now he's changing diapers and watching Barney. Did "Blue Train" and "Tempted" which is one of my personal favorites. Crowd loved it and Marty responded in a falsetto voice "I love you too." He talked about last year being in Taylorville up the road. Said they had to turn the amps down real low and it was still too loud. At the second show, some little ol white-haired ladies were clapping along in the front row, with the beat even. He talked to manager after show and said they'd pay for the tickets of the people who left but said just look at them little ol ladies, they didn't mind. Manager said "naww that's ok. Anyway them's my aunties and they're deaf already."
Told the audience that "y'all have pretty trains here in Decatur" and told of making his new album. Then told his hobo story to intro "Hobo's Prayer." "Where I Come From" and "Burn Me Down" came next. He asked for requests from people. Of course I screamed for my favorite ("So Many People") and hundreds of others right along with me for their favorites. Then he did "Hey Baby." He squealed out "I love you too" and said if we gave him $5, he would sing what we wanted, otherwise "I'll sing what I want." This was in reference to Pork askin for dollars from audience to get off the stage. Which they gave him and he donated to the police benefit. Marty then said they went to dinner at The Wharf and he thinks the baked potato just kicked in and he'd sing the next song if he can remember the words. Well he started "Long Black Veil" and the crowd was hushed through the whole song. He slid right into a duet with Brad, then "Now That's Country" and "Hillbilly Rock." He thanked us shook some hands and waved his way offstage. The people went nuts for more.
The meet-n-greet was, of course, organized by Mike. I gave him a hug and told him y'all said "hi." He told me to be sure to tell all of you about getting a big ol hug back and that he says "hi" to everyone also. Talked to Gary while in line also. He said this was his first show back and it felt good up there. He's got a brace on from his recent back surgery. Said to give him about 2 months and he'll be raring to go. He wanted me to tell everyone he feels fine. Talked to other fan club members in line while Marty did v.i.p. thang. Most were from area except for Robyn, Christine, the sweet couple (Glenda and Clarence Rummell) from Ohio that Marty gave the puppy to and myself.
Review and photos by Tami Krato, St. Charles, MO |
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