Lisa, Shaina, and I arrived at the Roadhouse around 4:00 p.m. We got to talk to Margie, Ellie, Pat, Glenda, Clarence, Dale and his wife for a while. Clarence noticed that I had a tire going flat and, after some thinking, Dale and Clarence decided to get it changed. (Thanks you two!) I owe them one for helping us. The doors opened at 4:30 but I think it was around 5:00 p.m. when we went in to check out our seats and everything.
Our seats were to the right of the stage and to the side. It wasn't front row but it wasn't too bad. We got to talk to Patty Double for a little while. She was there with her husband Don, but we didn't get a chance to talk to him (sorry Don). Our dinner was at 6:00 p.m. The ribs and chicken were delicious. Then Double Deuce came on around 7:00 p.m.
Marty and the Rock & Roll Cowboys came on. They started out with "I'm Still Here," "The Whiskey Ain't Workin'," "Well All Right," "Blue Train," and "Tempted." Randy tuned Marty's guitar while Marty talked about Sunset Park then he played "High on a Mountain Top." Then he brings out the mandolin and asks if he could play a few from The Pilgrim. He played "Dark As a Dungeon." Another great mandolin tune with Brad on guitar,"Burn me Down," "Sometimes the Pleasure's Worth the Pain," "Red, Red Wine." Then Marty says that [his sister] Jennifer is in the audience somewhere, we never did see her.
Marty talks about when he was little and he and a friend played on the trains and about him telling his Mama that he wanted to be a Hobo. He then played "Hobo's Prayer," "Long Black Veil," "Rocketship," "Hey Baby," "Little Things" and he asks the audience what they want to hear and he takes a drink and spits it out of his mouth and says "Trick or Treat" and "Listen to Brad's guitar solo." Next is "Till I Found You." He talks of Johnny Cash and asks everyone to sing "Ring of Fire" for Johnny so everyone sings along. Then "Hillbilly Rock" and they all leave the stage. By this time it is around 10:30. Of course everyone claps and yells "Marty, Marty" and he and the R&R Cowboys come back out and play "Western (Pa) Girls" then they're gone again.
They announce the Meet and Greet again and we run for the line. We were to the front. There were a lot of people. Remember it was a sold out show. They all looked great. Marty had on a black western cut shirt with white flowers and maroon around the sleeves and chest and those wonderful tight shiny black pants. Shaina has an "eye" for Steve (and vice-versa it seems) so they exchanged glances and smiles a few times throughout the show.
We talked to PattyD a while until we got to meet Marty. I had him sign a couple
things and of course got a hug then we talked to Steve, Gary, Gregg, and Brad. I got them to sign a picture and Lisa and Shaina got them to sign a couple things then we just hung out and talked to whoever was still around. We waited for Glenda, Clarence, Margie, Ellie, Pat, Dale and his wife so that I could tell Clarence and Dale thanks for changing the tire again.
It was great seeing everyone again. We made these "Marty friends" in Lancaster, PA in May and it's so great to talk to them at the shows. Margie, Ellie and Pat were going on to Virginia for the show but we headed home. It was an hour long drive for me and then Lisa and Shaina (seen here with Steve Arnold) had another hour and half ahead of them. It was all worth it and, after we talked to each other tonight, I think we have decided we are going to the Milton, Indiana show on Nov. 27th. So we hope to see everyone there and meet some new faces hopefully. I hope you all enjoyed this review.
I'll let Lisa do the next one (she says that I "ramble" too much). IT WAS AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!
Review and photos by Kim Moore, Barnesville, OH with assistance from
Lisa Sammons, Newark, OH