Pepsi-Cola Roadhouse - Burgettstown, PA on October 28, 2000 |
Pat and I originally were the only ones going, but eventually Ellie and Pat's sister, Colleen, decided that they'd go, too. Ellie and I drove to Connecticut and spent Friday night at Pat's (a 2-1/2 hour drive from my house), and we all headed off at 4:30 Saturday morning. There was a strong wind blowing, which made driving a little scary at times, but the sun stayed out and otherwise it was a nice day for traveling. It felt good to be on the road again! We had a room for the night reserved in Washington, PA, and we arrived there around 1:30. We got checked in and headed for Burgettstown, which turned out to be a little over an hour away. We pulled in and saw Margie Sullivan waiting, so I waved for her to follow us and headed for the back row where we all parked last year. Glenda and Clarence were already there, as were Skull and Patty, and Dale and Donna arrived not long after that. It was so good to see everyone, and we started our own reunion right then! While we were talking, a van pulled up and Marty, Gregg, Steve, and Brad got out. They had flown up that morning, and the Roadhouse people were driving them around. They all smiled and waved, but went on into the little building there. Well, we weren't going anywhere, and we kept talking, and eventually they came back out and came over to us. They all said hi to and hugged everyone, and it felt sooooo good! And they all looked so GOOOOOOD!!!!!! After he said hi to everyone, Marty went to talk business with Skull and Patty (Skull has helped Mike with security and such at other shows around the PA area), but the guys stayed for a while. Brad was talking about the Rose Records WhiteWater website, and I asked him what the deal was with the two backstage passes per year. Not to worry, everyone, when Brad saw all that stuff he fired the guy! He said he'd have blown that rule big time, that his shows are going to be like family. Why am I not surprised at that? Unfortunately, the website is also gone, and there was a lot of information put on there. Eventually they went inside (they had to set up and do sound check, since there was no crew with them), but what did we do? We kept on talking, of course! And by golly, after a while Marty came back out, and he came over again and talked for a while. He looked so relaxed and happy, obviously the year off the road has been good for him, though he said he's been busier this year than when he was touring and hasn't done anything he had planned to do. There's a lot more gray in his hair than there was, and it looks wonderful, as good as the rest of him. :)
The opening band came on and I watched for a while. They were pretty good, but it's hard to watch anyone else when you're waiting for Marty. They announced that Marty had merchandise in the back, so I went to check it out (it was the new 8x10 that was at the fan club party), and who did I run into but Brenda. She, Jim, and Diane were in PA helping her daughter move, and had only just found out about the show. Through someone's generosity they were able to come, and she was so thrilled to be there. Margie Sullivan came and talked for a while, too, and we were there for quite a while. People had been asking if I knew if there would be a Meet & Greet, so I asked Skull (who was watching the pictures) and he said yes, after the show. The opening band was almost done by the time I went back to my seat, and then it was time to fix the stage for Marty and the R&R Cowboys! Finally the stage went dark. More waiting, probably a few minutes but it seemed like forever. Steve, Brad, and Gregg came out, and the place went wild. Then Marty came out, and it went even wilder! I have all the songs written down, and I'll try to remember some of the things that were said and done. They went right into "Hillbilly Highway," which seemed appropriate to start their first "official" show this year, and then did "Hey Baby." Marty made some comments about "Where y'all been so long? We're glad to be back at the Pepsi-Cola Roadhouse, for our Fall Tour!," and then asked if we could still sing (some of us couldn't sing before!) and went into "The Whiskey Ain't Workin'." He talked about seeing Travis in Nashville, then did "Hard Times And Misery," saying it was written about his people in Mississippi.
But we weren't having any of that, and clapped and shouted until they came back out. They did "Clyde" (which everyone calls "Steve Played Electric Bass," but you won't find that title anywhere if you're looking for the song), and then came a serious moment. Marty said he remembered standing by the bus the last time they were there, signing and signing autographs in the cold, but that didn't matter because they were there. Sometimes he wants to sneak a peek at his horoscope to see if they got it right, and so if he'd had a looking glass into the future a year ago he didn't know that he'd have taken what was coming. But sometimes God has different things in mind, and you have to trust him and know that He knows best. That tonight he missed Gary Hogue, that he missed a lot of things, but they'd always remember Gary. And in a moment of reflection he went to Mississippi and wrote this which he played a wrong note and said no, I didn't write that. But he got the guitar right, and played "Far Away," which is a beautiful, beautiful song. Then, enough of that, they jumped into "Burn Me Down".......but had to stop so Marty could try to put on a pair of boxers someone had handed to him. He got them onto one leg, looked at them, kicked them off and said "I don't wear underwear, thank you anyhow!" Then they finished "Burn Me Down," he said "thank you very much, how about a hand for the Rock & Roll Cowboys," and it was over.
We all gathered out back again, waving off the guys as they left (Marty blew us a kiss as he got into the van). Jennifer had a potential crisis, but we got together and made it possible for her to get home. There was some talk of going somewhere together, but we were all going different directions and couldn't think of anything that might still be open, anyway, so we ended up going our separate ways. It was just after midnight by the time we got back to our motel. We were up and out early Sunday morning (the time change made it easier!), stopping for breakfast before we hit the road. The wind was worse than it had been going out and at times it was really scary, as the car wanted to blow off the road. That slacked off as we got into NY, and then it started to snow. It never got worse than flurries, though, with white on the ground but just wet on the road, and we made it home with no further trouble. Even Ellie, with the farthest to go, was back home by 10:00 p.m. We had a wonderful, wonderful time. It was so good to see everyone I've come to know through Marty, most of whom I only see at the shows and who I've missed a lot. And I can't describe how good it was to see Marty, Steve, Gregg, and Brad, and how good they all looked. I truly can't tell you how happy I was to be there. And now, I'm geared up and ready to go again!!! Review by Margie Brodmerkle, Oakham, MAPhotos by Ellie Viscione, West Roxbury, MA |
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