Well Oct. 28th, 2000. Finally! Lisa and Shaina were to arrive at my house around 3:00 p.m. Shaina didn't know anything about it. We wanted to surprise her so we didn't tell her. Lisa made it seem like they were out for a drive and they decided to stop by and see me. I asked them if they wanted to go to a "Home Interior" party and they talked about it and decided that they would go along.
Burgettstown is only about and hour (+) away from me. Along the way, Shaina recognized the scenery from last year when we went to Burgettstown (Oct. 29th,1999). After we got so far up the road and we went into West Virginia and then into Pennsylvania, she kept asking questions about where we were going, etc. When we were by the Roadhouse, I told her that I was lost and had to pull over to call soemone. We pulled around back of the Roadhouse (5:30 p.m.) and then Shaina recognized Margie Brodmerkle and Ellie Viscione and others standing there talking. I told her we better get out to talk to them so we didn't seem rude. She still didn't know exactly why we were there. We proceeded to tell her that Marty was there. She still didn't seem really excited. I think it just needed time to sink in.
Marty and the guys had arrived and went in the building right before we got there (of course!). It was cold and everyone was ready to go inside.We had our Marty shirts on under other shirts so Shaina wouldn't see them. Then i had brought Shaina one to wear. On the way in, Shaina said something about Gary and we kind of looked at each other for a minute and remembered Gary. Now I don't think she even thought that the Cowboys would be there either because the last show (Milton, IN.) she was told that the band was breaking up and Marty wasn't going to tour in 2000. After we told her that they were there she brightened up.
We went in found our seats and talked to some people. Margie Brodmerkle came over and talked to us. We saw Steve checking things on stage and Margie took Shaina up to see him. She got a hug and was beaming from that time on. I was just so excited to be there! You could feel the excitement in the air! The opening band came on around 7 p.m. and they sang for about an hour or an hour and half. Sheila Walters was sitting at the table behind us so we talked a little to her. Finally the time had arrived and the Cowboys and then Marty were onstage! The place roared with applause and screams. It was AWESOME!
Marty and the Cowboys (Marty didn't introduce them as the R&R Cowboys) were so full of energy. They seemed glad to be there. After the show we got in line for the meet and greet. Patty Double and her husband Don were in line nearer to the front. When they came out, we chatted a little and she told us that they were allowing pictures. When it was our turns, Marty was drinking a Diet Mountain Dew and Lisa got her picture taken with him drinking the MountainDew. He signed a couple things and talked to her and Shaina. And after the pic with Shaina, is was my turn. I had bought an album that had pics of Marty when he was little and with Johnny Cash and so on. It is black with Marty Stuart signed on the front. Marty looked at it a minute and asked me where i got it. I told him Ebay. He said, "You couldn't have paid much for it." (jokingly). He signed that and a picture for me and then they took the picture of us together and then we were done there.
Right away we saw Steve and he came over to talk. I took a picture of him and Shaina. He acted like he was going to bite her ear. Then we went on out from the back and there was more Marty fans and Brad. We didn't see Gregg for a while but he must have gone to change his clothes. After they (Cowboys) were all there, we asked to have pics taken with them and they were great about it. I got some really great pics. After a while we were told to "get out" and then we went out back to tell everyone goodbye before we left. I hope everyone enjoyed this review. We had a great time but, sadly enough, it was over too soon!
Review and photos by Kim Moore, Barnesville, OH