Casino Magic - Bay St. Louis, MS on August 26, 1999 |
When Marty was announced and no one had filled those seats, everyone in our row just got
up and moved down!! Me being the leader of the pack! While we were still waiting for the show to begin, I saw Cindy Allred and her friend Lisa on the 1st row...Marty's mom came out from "behind the scenes," saw Cindy and Lisa and immediately ran over and sat down beside them and started talking to them. I guess if you go to as many shows as Cindy does you become a recognizable face in the crowd. Mrs. Stuart even went to get her brother and bring him over to introduce to Cindy and Lisa. And speaking of their kinfolk...every time Marty plays his home state, relatives come out of the woodwork! The whole front row, center section, was filled with his aunts, uncles and cousins. Marty even made a quick comment, in the middle of his show, "If ya need a good lawyer, see my
As for the songs he sang...sorry I can't give you a list. I was too busy taking photos and generally enjoying myself. Just know this...there wasn't a bad one in the bunch! He told his "Travis and the Banker, Cobb" story again...each time he tells it, he embellishes it a little more. And it gets better every time. The audience howled with laughter! It was a very appreciative audience, too. Lots of whoops and hollers coming from the house. That makes performing ten times easier for the audience. I've been to shows where the audience just sits there and listens - which is fine - but if the performers don't get any feedback from the audience they don't feel like they're getting through to us. The "feed" off of the energy from us! When the audience sounds like their having a good time, the bands give back 110 percent! And that's the way it was last night. My mother went out into the casino while I waited in line for the meet & greet. I'm not quite sure what my feelings are about the Fan Club members being put off till last are...but we were! People with "wristbands" went in first...probably press and/or contest winners...quite a few of them, too. Then, people with special white Marty Party passes on went in...they were his relatives. While they were in there, we watched as the crew tore down the set and the fellow taking down the speakers where I was standing pulled the curtains back so he could work and we could see Marty meeting with his kin. He had the biggest smile on his face!
Out in the casino, I saw Brad and Gary sitting at the bar with some of that "Red, Red, Wine..." Actually, I don't know what they were drinking but they said they were staying the night and leaving for Tuscaloosa today. I talked with them a little while - not long. I proceeded to lose my money in the slots and then we went back to our room...............And it was over.......waaaaay too soon! :-) Review by Cathy Morrison, Fairhope, AL |
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